
As many villages in Corsica, Pastoreccia possesses its history. First of all, this village saw being born the mom of Pascal PAOLI: Dionisa Valentini. Native of a family of notable, fatherless orphan since the age of 3 years, she is confided to her uncle who is piévan a priest, Ignazio Valentini. She is native of the village of Pastoreccia. Having refused the marriage with Valentini, parent of Campile, she gets married to Giacinto Paoli, native of the hamlet of Stretta in the village of Morosaglia. She brings into the world, on April 6th, 1725, in the hamlet of Stretta, Filippo, Antonio, Pasquale Paoli, while Corsica is still under Genoese domination. He will become later general-in chief of the nation « Corsica »…

We find Pascal PAOLI, a few years later, in Ponte-Novo, municipality of Castello-di-Rostino,

The battle of Ponte-Novo which took place from 8 till 9 May 1769, is the full stop of the confrontations between the troops of Pascal Paoli, consisted of Corsica and German or Swiss mercenaries and the armies of king of France, Louis XV, helped by Corsican soldiers of the French party. Opening to the French pomegranate trees the road of Corte, the capital of the Corsican nation, this battle marks the end of the second and last phase of the war of Corsica.

Following this defeat, Paoli will take the way of the exile. PONTE NOVU marks the end of the independence paoliste, which will thus have lasted fourteen years, from 1755 till 1769. So ends the dream of an independent Corsican kingdom… Today still, the battle of PONTE NOVU is commemorated every year on May 8th, ardently, and gives rise most of the time to reconstructions in period costumes.

Pascal PAOLI’s status is worth to him today having his museum in its native house of MOROSAGLIA. The funeral chapel, finally, keeps its ashes as well as the gravestone which decorated its vault in the holy cemetery of London, St Pancrace.

It also proves the respect for Corsica for the « Old » and the deaths, just as much as the impact of the religion on the everyday life. For that purpose, any village was equipped with its own church or chapel. Castello-di Rostino and its surroundings abounds in « monuments » become  » historic. We can quote among others:

La Chapelle San-Tumasgiu

L’Eglise Santa Reparata de Morosaglia

Couvent Saint-François d’Orezza à Piedicroce

Eglise Saint-Michel de Murato

Eglise Sainte-Marie de Pastoreccia

This respect is also translated by the celebration, on Good Fridays, to BISINCHI, of « Catenacciu », or more exactly « l’incatenatu », « , to be lacking on no account. As want the custom, the passion of the Christ is lived by penitent one anonymous, in cowl, heavily chained and bare feet, carrying(wearing) the cross through the narrow alleys of the village enlightened by torches, to the sound of hymns and « Perdono mio Dio ».

But, in another respect, two sectors remain just as important as religion: land and water. With a vegetable garden, water, animals and a church, any inhabitant could live.

At the level of the land, Pastoreccia is north west of CASTAGNICCIA, homeland of chestnut trees. It was a long time the basis of meals, both flour and pulenta and other typical dishes. The water was just as important, hence the number of fountains. Pastoreccia has two. But all around the village, virtually inexhaustible sources feed natural streams that will feed the GOLO. We can see magnificent Genoese bridges, the best known of which is in the vicinity of the ASCO.